Month: November 2016

In Remembrance of When I Could Remember

I turned 42 a few weeks ago. Thanks to popular fiction I assumed I would get the answers to Life, The Universe, And Everything. (If you don’t get that reference, go read a fucking book, you cretin.) Instead, I got a brain that suddenly decided to stop functioning as well as I’d like. Case in…

Being a Dad – 43 Days and Counting

I’ve been a Dad for 43 days now. Some observations and thoughts: – First, my wife is amazing. I already knew that, I was the one who dubbed her The Amazing Katie after all, but she’s gone above and beyond. She’s handled pretty much all of the middle of the night Logan stuff, with me…

Hospital Billing Is Stupid

We had the baby, now we gotta pay for everything. I’m good with this, it’s part of the package. But this thing where they send us hospital bills from 73 different places is annoying as balls. We stayed at one hospital. All the people we dealt with were associated with the same hospital. But we…

Wherein I Solve A Problem

Our country is divided. People are protesting, people are rioting, I see friends and family hashing it out over Facebook using language that would get them beaten in real life. It’s really sad. I was pondering this sad state of affairs and wondering what I could do to make things better when inspiration struck. I…

Veterans Day

I am honored to know several veterans. As we thank them today, I can’t help but think of the rest of the year, where I see the toll their service has taken on them. The inner turmoil, the aching body, the bad back, and memories I’m glad I’ll never know…they live with this 24/7/365. So…