Category: Gaming

Meta Quest 2/3 Referral Codes (+ Tonal Referral Code)

I decided to put all my referral codes in one place. Updated 11-30-23. Tonal Referral Code: Quest headset referral code: Guest: Attack of the Squirrels: Fisherman’s Tale: Fisherman’s Tale: Legend:’s Creed: Nexus: Trip: Traveler: Battles: Dead: The Cabin: of Eternity: Table Tennis: Assassin: Person Tennis: Cornhole: Bowl: : Meditation VR: Cricket: Talking and…

Controlled Video Game Reviews

Video game publishers have been actively trying to fuck their customers for years. The lies and deceptions are non-stop, the bullshit pre-order stuff, trying to control review scores, etc… This new policy of Bethesda not giving out early copies and other companies strictly controlling who gets review copies…it’s not illegal, but it is a dick…

GM/Players and the Question of Entertainment

On Twitter a while back, I came across this tweet from a friend: “I retired from the GM’s chair because I am NOT there to entertain the players. I am there to provide the story, they provide entertainment.” This statement confused me for a few minutes, but then I was needed elsewhere and I left…

Motherfucker, You Have a Spaceship

There is this thing that happens in video games that pisses me off. Not “I’m about to throw my controller” angry, I was never that guy, but it is irksome nonetheless. This happens in a lot of games where you get a ship or helicopter. We’re gonna go with a spaceship because that’s what my…

Dark Souls 3

It’s not the dying. If you know nothing else about The Souls games, you know that they are difficult and that you will die. A  lot. So I can accept the dying. What I haven’t been able to accept is my own badness. The wrong decisions, the dumb decisions, the bad strategy I’m using when…